A cop, investigating the mysterious death of a filmstar, meets a sex-worker, while he faces some personal problems psychologically. The mystery connects these people in a way, that ultimately changes their lives.
A cop, investigating the mysterious death of a filmstar, meets a sex-worker, while he faces some personal problems psychologically. The mystery connects these people in a way, that ultimately changes their lives.
- IMDB link: 1787988
- FilmTied link: Talaash
- Detected quality: 720p
- IMDB rating: 8.3 (1,078 votes)
- RottenTomatoes: 63% 61%
- Genres: Drama, Thriller, Crime
- Movie: Talaash
- Release date:
- Language: Hindi
- Subtitles: English
Cast: Kareena Kapoor, Subrata Dutta, Aamir Khan, Rani Mukherjee, Nowaz, Shernaz Patel, Sachin Pandit, Om Prakash, Raj Kumar Yadav and others